


Connecting Writing Assessments to Teaching and Learning: Distinguishing Alternative Purposes


開催地 兵庫県
期日 2019年5月18日(土)
教科 英語
会費 -
定員 -
主催 LET関西支部
会場 関西国際大学 尼崎キャンパス
〒661-0976 兵庫県尼崎市潮江1丁目3番23号
関連サイト http://www.let-kansai.org/


Keynote Lecture

Dr. Alister Cumming (University of Toronto)


Four conceptually-distinct options exist for relating assessments of writing to teaching and learning in programs of language education, each fulfilling different but interrelated purposes. Assessment purposes may either be normative, diagnostic, formative, or summative. Eight conventional assessment practices that realize these options are: (a) proficiency tests and curriculum standards, each based on different kinds of normative principles and data, (b) diagnostic and dynamic assessments focused on individual learners and their learning potential within a specific educational context, (c) responding to students’ written drafts for formative purposes of informing their writing improvement, and (d) grades or local tests of summative achievements in a particular course. I argue that alternative options and intersecting relationships exist for connecting assessment teaching, and learning, which can lead to mixing and confusions of purpose, conceptualization, and responsibility. I try to clarify these options and relationships by examining the premises, issues, and challenges associated with each of them.


Alister Cumming is professor emeritus in the Centre for Educational Research on Language and Literacies (CERLL, formerly the Modern Language Centre) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, where he has been employed since 1991 following briefer periods at the University of British Columbia, McGill University, Carleton University, and Concordia University. For 2014 to 2017 Alister was also a Changjiang Scholar in the National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education at Beijing Foreign Studies University. His research and teaching focus on writing in second languages, language assessment, language program evaluation and policies, and research methods. Alister’s recent books are Agendas for Language Learning Research (with Lourdes Ortega and Nick Ellis, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), Adolescent Literacies in a Multicultural Context (Routledge, 2012), A Synthesis of Research on Second Language Writing in English (with Ilona Leki and Tony Silva, Routledge, 2008), and Goals for Academic Writing (John Benjamins, 2006).


ICTで加速する語学教員の働き方改革: チームによるクラウド活用の初歩
電子語学教材開発研究部会・木村 修平 先生(立命館大学)


本ワークショップでは、これまで電語研の研究会で取り上げてご好評をいただいた、教 員グループの労働効率を向上させるクラウド系テクノロジーを取り上げます。Googleカレン ダー、GoogleドライブなどのGoogle系アプリにくわえ、近年さまざまな組織やプロジェクトで の採用が進むチームコミュニケーションツール「Slack」を具体的にご紹介いたします。働き方 改革の必要性が強調されている今だからこそ、クラウドを活用してみませんか?WiFi接続可能 なノートPCまたはタブレット端末をご持参ください。(Googleカレン ダー、Googleドライブ、Slackの各アプリを事前にご用意いただくとス ムーズにご参加いただけます。)


立命館大学生命科学部生命情報学科准教授。専門は英語教育における ICT(情報通信テクノロジー)の利活用。立命館大学4学部で展開する「プ ロジェクト発信型英語プログラム」(peprg.jp<http://pep-rg.jp>)の運 営コアメンバー。

ワークショップ 2 (先着40名)

平塚貴晶 先生(東北大学)


The aim of the workshop is to let our imagination roam free and to playfully create engaging classroom activities through the minds of great thinkers. I begin the workshop by presenting several flaws and ideals in education which were identified by famous thinkers, past and present. Subsequently, I provide an exemplar from one of my lessons in which I teach English speaking and writing. Following the example, participants are then set the task to create their own original output activities for their classrooms. Some tips for generating creative classroom practices to be introduced in the workshop are: (a) trying the opposite, (b) employing practices from outside the classroom, (c) transcribing, and (d) emphasizing the quality of life. The workshop concludes with an open discussion.


東北大学准教授。博士(応用言語学)。秋田県公立高等学校にて英語 科教諭として10年間勤めた後、ニュージーランド国立オークランド大学 より博士号取得。専門は第二言語教師教育で、特に英語科教授法や英語教 師認知学をテーマに研究教育活動を行なっている。